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Enter content here Nato forces face new threat in Balkans. Telegraph,UK Saturday 24 February 2001 By Christian Jennings in Pristina and Anton La Guardia, Diplomatic Editor NATO soldiers in Kosovo were dumbfounded yesterday by the sight of hundreds of Serb protesters throwing flowers at them in the divided town of Mitrovica. It was an unexpectedly peaceful gesture in a city where the peacekeepers have been attacked by both sides as they seek to control the bitter violence between Serbs and Albanians. Yet few soldiers believe that peace is about to break out in the Balkans. Less than two years after the Nato-led Kfor troops were greeted as saviours from the oppression of Slobodan Milosevic, the roles are being reversed. The Kosovo war was fought to defeat Slobodan Milosevic and his dream of a "Greater Serbia". Now, with the fall of Slobo, Nato is struggling to stop Albanian nationalism from triggering another Balkan war as Albanian militants carry the Kosovo conflict across the borders. The worry is that Kfor's "soft" policing techniques are allowing militants to use Kosovo as a base to destabilise neighbouring areas with Albanian minorities - Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro - with the aim of creating a "Greater Albania" or at least a "Greater Kosovo". After months of ever more serious clashes in the Presevo Valley in Serbia, Kfor was alarmed this week when armed Albanians crossed into Macedonia, the Balkan state that provides Nato with its main supply route. One senior Nato official said: "Macedonia is far more important to Nato's mission in Kosovo than the fighting in southern Serbia. The country controls access to the sea, and all our supplies have to come through it. If Macedonia is destabilised by fighting between Albanians and the Macedonian army, then we're in deep trouble." The Macedonian government has reinforced its troops on the Kosovo border after ethnic Albanian rebels killed a Macedonian commando on Wednesday. The trouble is also beginning to generate refugees. The United Nations said 95 ethnic Albanian women and children had fled to Kosovo from northern Macedonia. In Kosovo, 10 Serbs were killed and 43 injured last week when a Kfor-escorted convoy transporting Serbs returning from a visit to relatives in southern Serbia was bombed. At the same time, fighting has increased in southern Serbia. Four people have been killed in recent clashes between Albanian militants and Serb police in the Presevo Valley. This is a far cry from the Kosovo war of 1999, when Albanian rebels of the Kosovo Liberation Army were allies of Nato. They harassed the Yugoslav army and fed intelligence to the allies, who provided them with weapons and training. Now Yugoslav security agencies are co-operating with the West - Belgrade provided key intelligence on the Iraqi air defence facilities attacked last week by British and American aircraft - and the KLA's offshoots are increasingly regarded by Kfor as dangerous rogues. Chris Patten, the European Union's external affairs commissioner, said yesterday at a summit in Skopje: "The recent violence in southern Serbia reminds us that there are still individuals determined to pursue their political agenda through ethnic cleansing, murder and terror, in this case against Serbs." It was called to discuss economic co-operation, but regional leaders focused instead on the looming crisis. Mr Patten urged Albanians to isolate the militants. He added: "It is time for every Kosovar leader, every Kosovar, to make a stand, time to abandon silent indifference, time to make clear that you will not tolerate this violence, time to stand up against it and outlaw its perpetrators. Most people across the region are sick and tired of conflict and war." British troops have led the way in trying to contain the Albanian militants. Royal Marines have in recent weeks been deployed to patrol the snow-clad mountains to stop militants from slipping through dense forests into Serbia. They have also seized shipments of arms bound for the Presevo Valley. But with no obvious "exit strategy", the greatest fear of the peacekeepers is being sucked into a direct conflict with Albanian gunmen - a repeat of the Army's experience in Northern Ireland where troops were first welcomed by Roman Catholics, then faced the bullets of the IRA. Kfor is already the target of anger from both Serbs and Albanians. After a recent sniper attack on a Serb convoy travelling through Strpce, an enraged crowd of 1,000 Serbs descended upon the southern town's UN police station and set fire to four of its vehicles. When a Serb grenade attack left a 15-year-old Albanian boy dead in Mitrovica, French soldiers in the town struggled to contain four days of riots by Albanians in which 40 French soldiers and more than 120 Albanians were wounded. Albanians have so far largely avoided a direct clash with Nato forces. When confronted, they usually disperse peacefully, though there was an exchange of fire in December. It is far from clear whether Nato would have the stomach for a shooting war, which would only deepen its internal divisions. Kfor has, to a large extent, broken up into national contingents pursuing their own policies. The British are widely regarded as the most professional soldiers. The French are seen by Albanians are irredeemably pro-Serb. The Americans appear to be concerned mainly with avoiding casualties. The American base at Camp Bondsteel is so vast that US troops have nicknamed it Battlestar Galactica. American troops are obliged to wear helmets and Kevlar body armour whenever they leave their camps. US army combat engineers are not allowed to carry out de-mining operations, choosing instead to contract out the task to private firms. The Bush adminstration has made clear its desire to reduce its commitment to the Balkans, if not to withdraw from the region. Other countries fear that an American pull-out could fatally undermine Kfor. Kosovo is being run as a virtual UN protectorate. The status of the autonomous region has been left deliberately vague. Washington seems to favour eventual independence while many European nations, Britain included, favour retaining a highly autonomous Kosovo within Serbia. The allies' approach to Kosovo has been to concentrate on holding the ring while encouraging "normalisation" - orchestrating a series of elections in the hope of giving moderate leaders legitimacy to negotiate a final settlement. But if the actions of Albanian militants are any example, the West will not be able to rely on time to heal the divisions of the Balkans. |