Enter content here PRESIDENT TRAJKOVSKI: I EXPECT CREATION OF A LARGE COALITION THIS WEEKEND. MIA I expect an agreement on creating of a large governmental coalition to be reached until the end of this week, Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski said Wednesday after a meeting at the monastery "St. Pantelejmon" near Skopje with Prime Minister Ljubcho Georgievski, leaders of the Democratic Party of Albanians - Arben Xhaferi, the Social Democratic Union - Branko Crvenskovski and the Party of Democratic Prosperity - Imer Imeri. Jose Manuel Pinto Teixeira, Head of the European Commission Delegation to Macedonia, Max van der Stoel, OSCE High Commissioner for minority rights, and Ambassadors of the US, Britain and Germany - Mike Einik, Marc Dickinson and Werner Burckardt also attended the meeting. After the meeting, Trajkovski said it was held on his and Teixeira's initiative, being a good opportunity for sharing opinions on current political and security situation in Macedonia. "All political parties along with the President of the country are committed to continue the dialogue. Representatives of the EU, OSCE and US expressed satisfaction and supported the outcome of the last meeting between the political party leaders and the President," Trajkovski said. The international community representatives were also interested in Trajkovski's forthcoming visit to the United States. He said that an agreement on creation of a large governmental coalition was not discussed at this meeting, as "it depends on the ongoing negotiations between Georgievski and Crvenkovski." According to Trajkovski, the international community does not exert pressure for creating of the large governmental coalition, it just considers that such a coalition will be more efficient in everything Macedonia has to deal with in the next period.  ELECTRONIC TRADING STARTS AT MACEDONIAN STOCK EXCHANGE. MIA Macedonian Prime Minister Ljubcho Georgievski marked Wednesday the start of the electronic trading at the Macedonian Stock Exchange. Premier Georgievski stressed that with the electronic trading the Macedonian stock exchange approached to the contemporary trading of the western stock exchanges. "The results achieved last year were five times better that the overall achievements in the past four years, what speaks of the development of the Macedonian Stock Exchange," the Prime Minister said. Mr. Georgievski stressed that the electronic trading would increase the creativity and the dynamic and would bring new and improved services. Finance Minister Nikola Gruevski pointed out that the electronic trading would speed up the work and would enable better service to the clients. "It has been accepted in the other countries long time ago, and it was about the time to be accepted in Macedonia as well," Minister Gruevski stated. According to the Executive Director of the Macedonian Stock Exchange Evgenij Zografski the electronic trading is a logical outcome of the achievements so far and it would speed up its development. The representatives from the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and the Slovenian Ministry of Economy, which enabled the introduction of the electronic trading, were also present at the ceremony that marked the fifth anniversary of the Macedonian Stock Exchange. Drasko Veselinovic expressed his satisfaction that the Macedonian Stock Exchange chose the model used by Ljubljana Stock Exchange pointing out that this was just the beginning of the cooperation between the two stock exchanges. According to State Undersecretary in the Slovenian Economy Ministry Bojan Skoda, the fast implementation of this project testifies about the good relations between Macedonia and Slovenia. The first transaction was committed with the shares of "Makpetrol" - Skopje. The Electronic Trading System will provide more transparency in the trading, better information and liquidity of the Macedonian Stock Exchange. The electronic trading was introduced due to the enlarged turnover of securities and transactions and it will be carried out three times per week, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  BRITISH GOVERNMENT DONATES EQUIPMENT FOR MACEDONIAN MINISTRIES. MIA The British Government donated Wednesday equipment in amount of DM 660 thousand to the Macedonian ministries of defense and internal affairs. The Macedonian Army will obtain 15 mine detectors, 50 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) - systems for discovering and detecting mines, one vehicle for the same purpose as well as training for our units for managing the systems. The Police will get 500 bulletproof vests and 150 GPS. Richard Potter from the British Embassy in Skopje spoke of his honor and pleasure to fulfill the promise given by British Foreign Minister Robin Cook during his recent visit to Macedonia, adding that the appropriate equipment is essential for the security in the country. Undersecretary in the Defense Ministry Kiril Gjorgjov stressing the excellent cooperation with the British Government said that this donation confirmed the international support for Macedonia. Zvonko Kasirski, the Director of the Public Security Department in the Macedonian Police thanked to the British Government on the behalf of the Macedonian Interior Minister Dosta Dimovska. British military attaché to Macedonia Mike Door also attended the ceremony. Kostov Predicted New Crises on The Balkans. Standart Bulgaria expects an invitation for NATO membership next year, the PM said before politicians and diplomats in Washington New wave of instability could be expected on the Balkans, PM Kostov predicted yesterday at a discussion in Washington. He read a lecture before influential politicians, diplomats and analysts from USA. It's possible that the elections in Monte Negro are followed by the conclusive disintegration of Yugoslavia, the PM prognosticates. If the political dialogue in Macedonia doesn't deprive the Albanians from their political motives, new armed clashes are possible, he warned. The clock of tension is ticking and with each new day the time is slipping away, the PM said. We expect to receive an invitation for NATO membership next year, Kostov said. He met with the US State Secretary Colin Powell. Members of the National Movement Simeon II are demanding explanation from the Eurobank. News.bg Deputy Chief Coordinator of National Movement Simeon II Andrey Gyurkovsky has sent a letter to the European Bank for Recovery and Development in London, the press secretary of the movement Tsvetelina Uzunova reported. With this letter, Mr. Gyurkovsky has denounced allegations published in the Banks periodical Emergency Market that Russian Mafia had been funding Czar Simeon II as a way to destabilize Bulgaria and has insisted that the Bank issue an official information concerning the publication. King Asked SCC to Close His Case within 2 Days. Standart In his appeal to the Supreme Cassation Court the King asks that the case on the objection of the 'National Movement Simeon II' against the refusal of the Sofia City Court to register it be completed within 2-days period. His complaint was submitted the day before yesterday by lawyer Krum Traykov. The document was signed by Simeon Borisov Sax-Koburgotsky. It is connected with the wish of the 'National Movement Simeon II' to take part in the elections. Simeon II litigate the decision of Tanya Raykovska in 18 items. The refusal for registration is ungrounded, it's been regulated in violation of the material law and of some fundamental procedure rules, His Majesty writes. The Law of the Political Parties doesn't lay down requirements about the date and the place of the constituent assembly and about statutes. The data is in the application for registration. The court lays down before us new requirements for establishment, king says. Ekaterina Nikolova  Rights and Freedoms Movement is ready to include Czar Simeon II in its election tickets. News.bg "We are ready to reserve in our election tickets more places for people of Czar Simeon II than for our candidates", the member of the Rights and Freedoms Movement Central Operative Bureau Kemal Eyup announced in an interview for Darik Radio. According to him, if Rights and Freedoms Movement appear together with Czar Simeon II, it would have more chances on the elections. Bulgaria Grants Macedonia 20,000 t Wheat. BTA Bulgaria will grant Macedonia 20,000 t of wheat from its state reserve, Bulgarian Minister of Agriculture and Forests Ventsislav Vurbanov said in Skopje on Wednesday. Vurbanov said that this is in response to the request of the Macedonian Minister of Agriculture, Marian Gjorcev. Gjorcev invited the Bulgarian delegation headed by Vurbanov on a two-day working visit to Macedonia. The two ministers signed an agreement on cooperation in agriculture which Vurbanov said outlines the framework of the future cooperation in this sector. Gjorcev said that his talks with Vurbanov are part of the preparation for the participation of the two in the meeting of Balkan agriculture ministers in Ankara on September 15 and 16. Gjorcev said also that with a view of the "milk crisis" in Macedonia where large quantities of milk stay unsold, the two agreed that the milk will be made into powder milk in Bulgaria. Macedonia will export to Bulgaria milk and dairy products. The two ministers agreed on joint measures in the field of veterinary protection and more specifically, in the prevention of the spreading of foot-and-mouth and other diseases in the Balkans. Gjorcev and Vurbanov also discussed joint measures to counteract the expected dry and draughty summer. |